HVAC Care for Pet Owners

September 20, 2020

If you own a pet, you should take a few extra steps to care for your HVAC system. By remembering the following tips, you will keep your indoor air quality high, help your HVAC system operate efficiently and extend its life. Replace Filter Regularly It’s imperative that you regularly replace your HVAC system’s filter. The filter will quickly become clogged with hair from your pet along with the usual dust and dirt. You should replace it as often as every other month. Vacuum Regularly You should vacuum every other day. Furry pets shed quite a bit, and vacuuming will keep their hair from entering your home’s HVAC system. This will help extend the life of your HVAC system’s filter. Get an Air Purifier You can have an air purifier installed in your HVAC system. This will help anyone in your family who is allergic to your pets. There are several budget-friendly options available. At TechnoAir Heating, Cooling and Refrigeration, we can help you find and install the right whole-home air purifier for your property. Clean Your Ducts Even with replacing your filter and vacuuming regularly, your ductwork will collect dust, dirt, pet hair, dander and more. This residue will reduce...

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How to Reduce Exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants

August 10, 2020

Having dirty air circulating in your home can have a variety of negative effects. Particles and volatile organic compounds can be inhaled and can cause an array of respiratory issues. In the long term, they can also cause heart and lung disease. Minimizing your exposure to indoor air pollution is important for your health and safety, and here are three ways to do it. 1.Proper House Cleaning Keeping your house as clean as possible can minimize the particles and vapors that will circulate in your residence. Regular dusting, vacuuming, and sweeping can keep dirt from becoming airborne. Using microfiber cloths when cleaning can collect dirt instead of sending it into the air. To prevent pollen from entering your home during the spring and summer, keep windows closed whenever possible. 2. Keep Pets Clean Pets can be a major source of indoor particles and pollution. Getting regular grooming for your animal can minimize the dander and the hair that they will shed in your house. Keeping your cat’s litter box clean will also reduce airborne pollutants. 3. Install Air Filtration Systems Having an air filtration system installed in your property can effectively remove harmful pollutants from the air. At TechnoAir Heating,...

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The Pros and Cons of Humidity Control

July 15, 2020

One of the best ways to protect your family and your indoor environment is by investing in a humidification system, especially if you live in an older property or a dry region. A home with a humidity level between 40% and 60% RH is more comfortable, cleaner, healthier and safer. Here are the pros and cons associated with residential and commercial humidity control: Humidity Control Pros Humidity eliminates airborne pollutants and dust. Airborne pollutants and dust can lead to many problems, including infections and allergic reactions. Maintaining a sufficient percentage of relative humidity using a residential humidifier will stop pollutants and dust in their tracks. Maintaining a consistent humidity level in your home can support proper hydration. Good hydration protects against hair and skin damage in the form of itchiness, dullness, dryness and split ends. Home humidification also plays a role in protecting against the development of static electricity, which can lead to irritating and annoying shocks. Humidification provides clean air. Breathing in dry air can make it more difficult to get enough oxygen and transfer it to your bloodstream, leading to fatigue, increased tiredness and reduced concentration. Maintaining appropriate levels of humidity at home can clean the indoor air...

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Summertime Indoor Air Quality Concerns

June 8, 2020

There are a number of indoor air quality issues that crop up during the summer months. Your home may have higher humidity, more allergens and generally poor air quality. Here are some things you should know about summertime indoor air quality. Impact on Indoor Air Quality Poor indoor air quality can cause allergies to flare up. People experience eye and throat irritation and coughing. People who have asthma or other breathing conditions can end up in a dangerous situation. Particles in the air that cause negative reactions include pet dander, pollen, dust mites, dust and mold spores. TechnoAir is an HVAC company based in Grove City, OH. We help customers with their indoor air quality problems by offering solutions like air purifiers and dehumidifiers. Increased Allergies Many types of plants and flowers bloom in the summer months. Your air conditioning system is likely working hard while it’s hot out. This means it is pulling in a lot of outdoor air with allergens in it. The allergens get blown throughout your home as a result. Pet dander is also a big concern during the summer months. Dogs and cats shed more when it gets warm. They leave dander all over the...

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Things To Know About Carbon Monoxide in Your Home

May 12, 2020

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless and colorless gas produced by burning fossil fuels. This includes natural gas, wood charcoal and gasoline. If it builds up in your home, it can cause serious health issues and even death in high enough concentration. Here’s what you need to know about carbon monoxide. Symptoms Low levels of carbon monoxide in your home can lead to headaches, weakness, nausea, dizziness and shortness of breath. Higher levels can cause confusion, blurred vision and loss of consciousness. As it replaces oxygen in your blood, you can die from breathing too much carbon monoxide. Sources The main sources of carbon monoxide in a home are a gas furnace, water heater, fireplaces, gas appliances and a car idling in the garage. All of these should be well-maintained and properly vented. You should never use a charcoal grill or kerosene heater indoors due to carbon monoxide concerns. Techno Air Heating, Cooling and Refrigeration is located in Grove City, OH. We provide maintenance services for gas furnaces, during which we make sure they are operating safely. Signs of Carbon Monoxide There may be signs that excessive CO is building up in your home. Stale or stuffy air is one...

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Why is my Thermostat in Recovery Mode?

April 15, 2020

Modern thermostats are designed to keep your home at a comfortable temperature while allowing your HVAC system to run in an energy-efficient manner. New programmable thermostats permit you to set temperatures for different parts of the day so that you can wake up or come home to a warm house in the winter while keeping things cool if you’re asleep or away. In the summer, the process can be reversed to keep your home cool at specific times. What Is Recovery Mode? If your schedule has changed temporarily and you need to override the pre-programmed settings of your thermostat, you can increase or decrease the temperature of your home. Most of these adjustments will expire after a few hours so that your home will go back to its normal temperatures even if you forget to set the thermostat back. When your HVAC system isn’t running during these periods of readjustment, your thermostat will be in recovery mode. Recovery mode can ensure that temporary adjustments in temperature don’t go on forever. Benefits of a Modern HVAC System When you’re exploring your options for a new thermostat for your Grove City home, let TechnoAir assist you. We can help you choose a...

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Is it Possible to Combine Heating and Cooling Systems?

March 17, 2020

A complex HVAC system can be difficult to understand. To make things easier for both maintenance and repairs, you may wonder if there is a simpler solution for heating and cooling your home. While there isn’t one simple piece of equipment that does everything you need, there are some systems that come quite close to that goal. To help you simplify your Grove City home’s HVAC system, here are some options for combining your heating and cooling equipment. The Mini-Split Heat Pump The simplest way to heat and cool your home is by using a mini-split heat pump. These units remove the need for a separate blower and for complex ductwork. That’s why they are often called “ductless” systems. A mini-split system installed by TechnoAir Heating, Cooling and Refrigeration consists of only two components: the compressor/condenser, which is mounted on the exterior of your home, and the air handler, which is mounted on a wall inside your home. These two components work together to produce both cool and warm air and then distribute that air around the room in which the air handler is mounted. Mini-split systems are energy-efficient. In addition to simplifying HVAC repair and maintenance, they can save...

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How Long Do HVAC Systems Last?

February 20, 2020

Your HVAC system is a large investment, so you’ll likely want to see it last as long as possible. There isn’t a straightforward answer to how long a system will last as it depends on several factors. In general, though, it can be expected to last 15 to 25 years. Factors Impacting Your HVAC Systems Lifespan The number one thing affecting how long your system will last is regular maintenance. Getting your HVAC system tuned-up annually by a professional technician will ensure that it lasts as long as possible. The quality of the installation work will also affect the lifespan. If the installer didn’t follow proper installation procedures, the HVAC system will have a shorter life. This includes putting in an oversized or undersized system, which leads to much shorter lifespans. Oversizing, for instance, results in frequent on and off cycling that causes part failures. Techno Air Heating, Cooling and Refrigeration of Grove City correctly installs gas furnaces along with other HVAC equipment. Furnaces You can expect your well-maintained gas furnace to last about 20 to 30 years. It’s usually when the heat exchanger cracks that the furnace needs to be replaced. Electric furnaces tend to last longer. Air Conditioners...

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Why Should I Hire a Professional HVAC Company?

January 12, 2020

If you are in need of heating or cooling services, it is generally in your best interest to hire a contractor associated with a professional HVAC company. This is because a professional technician will typically have the credentials and the years of experience needed to do a good job in a timely manner. HVAC Professionals Are Usually Licensed and Insured The technicians who work at Techno Air in Grove City are all NATE certified. This means that they understand how to install, maintain or repair almost all makes and models of heating and cooling components. When a company carries liability or other forms of insurance, it means that you don’t have to pay for any damage a worker causes to your home. It may also mean that you aren’t responsible in the event that a worker is injured on your property while a project is ongoing. Professionals Are More Likely to Guarantee Their Work Reputable professionals want their customers to feel good about the work that they have done. Therefore, they tend to offer a warranty or similar type of guarantee as part of a service contract. The guarantee generally states that whoever repairs or installs a heating or cooling...

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What Thermostat Temperature is Best for the Winter?

December 19, 2019

The winter can be a fun season for those who love snow and the coming holidays. However, there can be drawbacks to the cold weather. To make sure your home’s interior remains comfortable, keeping the temperature at the right level is important. Defining the “right level” can be challenging, though. Is There a Right Temperature? Studies show that the suggested temperature for a house is around 68 degrees. It would be hard to argue that 68 is a bad choice. The interior is neither too hot nor too cold, although some people may choose to go higher or lower. Generally, temperatures in the 60s seem fine. As long as the furnace works as it should, maintaining a preferred temperature won’t be problematic. TechnoAir has assisted Grove City residents for 21 years and counting. If you want support with requests for repairs and maintenance, our company can send out technicians to your residence. Working With the Thermostat If you set your thermostat to, say, 65 degrees, you may be fine with that particular level. However, it wouldn’t hurt to see if other temperatures are just as comfortable. Lowing the temperature down one or two degrees might not deliver much of a...

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